A cura di Chris Ferrie
University of Technology Sidney – Centre for Quantum Software and Information
In collaborazione con La libreria dei ragazzi
In collaborazione con il Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche CNR
The award winning author of Quantum Physics for Babies will explain his method to introduce complex scientific ideas to children and everyone!
It only takes a small spark to ignite a child’s mind! Physicist and mathematician Chris Ferrie knows that teaching science and technology concepts to children at a very young age is crucial. “We teach our children lengthy words like ‘hippopotamus’— why not teach them to say ‘proton,’ ‘neutron,’ or ‘electron’ too?” says Ferrie. With simple drawings and immediate language, the researcher has managed to arouse the pleasure of discovery in the very young. How can we all do that? How important is scientific literacy, from a very young age? An informal conference to find out how to effectively promote scientific knowledge at school and in the family among very young children. Ferrie will illustrate all the success stories, revealing the most fascinating and shocking revolutions of modern science, capable of provoking in children the much sought after serendipity.
Dr Chris Ferrie is a Quantum Physicist at the Centre for Quantum Software and Information, University of Technology Sydney, who researches the characterisation and control of quantum devices using machine learning. Father of four budding young scientists, he believes it is never too early to introduce small children to big ideas. His passion for communicating science has led him from the most esoteric topics of mathematical physics to the writing of children’s books on science, with titles such as Quantum Physics for Babies and Rocket Science for Babies: a famous board-book series for toddlers, published in Italy by Il Castoro with the title Baby Scienziati, that introduces children to complex ideas like physics and math using simple explanations and colorful illustrations.
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- Mercoledì 30 Ottobre 2019
- ore 21.00 Chris Ferrie
- Biglietto intero € 5,00 – Biglietto ridotto € 3,00
- scarica il programma di Ottobre
La cassa apre 45 minuti prima.